Design Intent: A central hub for all individual and team resources, this space includes storage for paper, worktools, print tools,
Design Intent: A central location for individuals to secure personal belongings, this locker hub includes open and enclosed cubbies of
Design Intent: Rejuvenation spaces can enhance wellbeing and reduce stress for employees throughout the day. Blending private, cozy destinations throughout
Design Intent: Providing a diversity of settings outside of the traditional workspace can honor how people work differently and how
Design Intent: This quiet, communal library environment invites guests to focus among others. A large table allows individuals to sit
Design Intent: An acoustically private space to connect for collaboration or confidential conversation, this dyadic enclave offers digital and analog
Design Intent: This drop-in pod can be replicated across campuses to provide focus and confidentiality for short-duration calls and connections
Design Intent: An efficient individual enclave can offer solitude and privacy when focus is a priority. Whether for a nomad
Design Intent: This office provides maximum storage space for personal effects, resources, and files, while also providing efficient workspace for
Design Intent: This enclosed private office offers ergonomics and long-duration comfort for individuals, with a height-adjustable desk and task chair
Design Intent: This multi-functional open bench can be a temporary workspace for nomads throughout the day, or a long-term solution
Design Intent: This four-pack of workstations includes solid panels and adaptable storage at the threshold to give individuals flexible privacy