This article is part of the series Beyond Hybrid:
99 Things You Need to Know Now
What Gen Z
Wants at Work
Insights and ideas 50-54 for a new era of work Gen Z (born 1995-2012), the youngest generation in the workplace now, is growing up in a hyper-connected, diverse world and is challenging traditional structures and values in the workplace. It may defy conventional wisdom to learn that Gen Z places more importance on the office than previous generations. Here’s what matters most to Gen Zers, according to Steelcase global research.
Gen Z is
reshaping the
workplace and
works in the
office more
than any other
Gen Z will represent almost a third of the global workforce by 2025* and will play a big role in shifting attitudes and perceptions.
Balance “Quiet Quitting” doesn’t mean a lack of engagement
to them, it means creating boundaries between
work and the rest of their lives.
Pay Low compensation was the number one cited reason
for leaving their jobs in the last two years.**
Connections Top reasons to come to the office are about interactions. Values Employer values that align with their own.
Company’s sustainability initiatives will be critical
to talent acquisition and retention in the future.***
* Manpower Group 2023 Workforce Trends Report
** 2022 Deloitte survey among 23,220 Gen Z and Millennial
workers (born between 1996-2010 and 1980-1995,
respectively) across 46 countries globally
*** Steelcase Gen Z Research
Work-life balance and
learning and development
opportunities ranked highest in choosing an employer.
Socialize 16% 17% 17% 25% Access
advice and
5% 8% 13% 17% Access learning
6% 10% 11% 18%
Socialize 16% 17% 17% 25% Access
advice and
5% 8% 13% 17% Access learning
6% 10% 11% 18%
In addition to just getting work done, building relationships is a big reason they show up. Learning and career development are also important.  Boomers  Gen X  Millenials  Gen Z Making connections, learning and career development are more important to Gen Z
in the office.
73% of Gen Z believes space is highly or extremely important to the effectiveness of the company they work for. Individual spaces will make the biggest impact for Gen Z. If you want to motivate Gen Z workers to come to the office even more, having an assigned desk ranks highest — which could be about feeling they belong, or simply a pragmatic need for a place where they can focus best. The top three things they want are:

1   Assigned Workspaces
2   Larger Individual Workspaces
3   More Privacy in Individual Workspaces
Gen Z is more likely to believe the value of the workplace increased over the pandemic. 54% compared with 42% of Millennials, 30% of Gen X, and 23% of Boomers 54 Gen Z is more likely to believe the value of the workplace increased over the pandemic. 53 Individual spaces will make the biggest impact for Gen Z. 52 Making connections, learning and career development are more important to Gen Z in the office. 51 Work-life balance and learning and development opportunities ranked highest in choosing an employer. 50 Gen Z is reshaping the workplace and works
in the office more than any other generation.
The Takeaway 5 insights and ideas for a new era of work
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