Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

The Steelcase Applied Research and Consulting (ARC) team, which translates insights from extensive Steelcase research into meaningful actions and measurable

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Today, learning is a fundamental business skill. The ability to continuously learn and adapt is critical to innovation and growth.

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

At Steelcase, all spaces are working prototypes–experiments in which the organization implements its latest thinking, learns what works and what

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Visitors who come to the Learning and Innovation Center (LINC) in Munich are invited to actively participate in experiences designed

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation

Designing the Munich Learning and Innovation Center (LINC) was a collaborative effort that leveraged the diverse expertise of an international