How Ready Is Your Campus?

How Ready Is Your Campus?

All over the world, students are bringing their skills and passions for esports with them to school. However, high schools and colleges still differ dramatically in their readiness to recognize

Work Better

Work Better

Research shows people need and expect a work experience that’s fundamentally better than what they left. Normal is not enough. Better is possible. Discover what people say they need and expect moving forward.

Designing a Better Work Experience

Designing a Better Work Experience

The pandemic has permanently reshaped the way we live, work and learn — and it will lead to a better work experience. Learn more about new design principles enabling organizations to create a better work experience.

Stepping Up

Stepping Up

How Steelcase and WMCAT are helping teens and adults elevate their voices provide equitable access to opportunity.

5 Ways to Support Learning From Home

5 Ways to Support Learning From Home

As the global health crisis continues, educational institutions around the world are redesigning the learning experience and blended learning is

Webinar: Prioritizing Your Wellbeing

Webinar: Prioritizing Your Wellbeing

In our latest webinar we tackle strategies for keeping your wellbeing at the forefront as you toggle working from home or transitioning back to the office.

Understanding Virus Transmission at Work

Understanding Virus Transmission at Work

Dr. Lydia Bourouiba shares how she began researching disease transmission and what inspires her work with the Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission Laboratory at MIT.