The addition of an Active Learning Center helped the University of Saint Mary in Kansas take an active learning philosophy campuswide.
Areli Yesselyn Arellano
Areli Yesselyn's contributions
Moving to Munich: One Employee’s Story of Change
Posted on November 13 by Areli ArellanoThe Steelcase Learning and Innovation Center in Munich sets a new tone and communicates a new set of cultural values to everyone who works there.
Creating the Link Between Learning and Innovation
Posted on November 9 by Areli ArellanoEvery CEO in every industry is talking about disruption: the sense that new digital technologies, the forces of globalization, the growth of new business models and the emergence of artificial intelligence are creating new winners and losers in every industry, and redefining entire industries.
The Race to Digitize
Posted on November 7 by Areli ArellanoWith data business driving growth, IT professionals are coming out of the basement to get involved in projects as upfront problem-solvers in highly agile teams.
Inspiration Office: The Artist’s New Canvas
Posted on November 2 by Areli ArellanoWorkplace Solutions in New Orleans partnered with local artists to create a dual-purpose showroom and art gallery.
Your Brain Needs a Vacation
Posted on August 7 by Areli ArellanoSuperstars such as Richard Branson and Roger Federer know the value of taking time off.
Wellbeing: A Bottom Line Issue
Posted on July 14 by Areli ArellanoDriving the need for these skills is the complexity of problems that organizations face today, and the demand for innovation that is no longer the turf of elite, top brands. Innovation is critical to drive bottom line results.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Legacy: Celebrating 150 Years
Posted on June 26 by Areli ArellanoSteelcase proudly partnered with Wright in the late 1930s and continues to be inspired by his timeless designs.
The Beauty of Choice
Posted on June 11 by Areli ArellanoHuman beings crave personalized experiences and expressing our individuality is more important than ever. See how the Bassline table allows you to pick your legs, pick your top—express your unique style.
Pushing Possibilities
Posted on June 11 by Areli ArellanoAn intricate tabletop that creates itself in less than a half hour? MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab, led by Skylar Tibbits and Jared Laucks, is redefining the possibilities of 3D printing and collaborating with Steelcase to explore what that could mean for the future.
How BMW Is Driving Innovation
Posted on June 11 by Areli ArellanoAs the world’s best-selling manufacturer of luxury cars, creativity has been important to the success of the BMW Group. A century-old company, it has achieved an impressive tradition of innovation.
Restoration Office
Posted on June 11 by Areli ArellanoYou don’t always have to go outdoors to experience nature’s benefits. By incorporating four key ways humans interact with nature, biophilic design can mimic its effects and greatly enhance our wellbeing.