Platinum Solid/Nickel 6249Materials are displayed for reference and may vary by screen. Please refer to a physical sample for actual color and detail
Platinum Solid/Nickel 6249
BrandSteelcase, AMQ, Coalesse, West Elm, Orangebox
OfferingStandard Surfaces
PricePlastic 1
Global AvailabilityAmericas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa
Material TypeEdgeband, Seating Plastic, Systems Plastic
Full Availability

This product is available on the following product lines:

(H) Horizontal (V) Vertical (FC) Fire Code

416 i2i Lounge Chair418 Silq428 QiVi Sewn428 QiVi Std433 Protege433 Protege Sewn434 Cobi434 Cobi Sewn435 Steelcase Series 1436 SERIES 2 UPH SEAT436 SERIES 2 UPH SEAT AND BACK462 Leap 3D Knit Sewn462 Leap 3D Knit Std462 Leap Plus 3D Knit Sewn462 Leap Plus 3D Knit Std462 Leap Plus Sewn462 Leap Plus Std462 LEAP SEWN462 Leap Std475 Player477 Max-Stacker III480 Node482 Amia 3D Knit Sewn482 Amia 3D Knit Standard482 Amia Air Sewn482 Amia Air Standard
482 Amia Sewn482 Amia Standard490 MoveAftdAgree ChairAir3AirtouchAkiraAnswerAspectAspekt TablesAvenirB-Free Occasional TablesB-Free TablesBasslineBiviBivi ReceptaclesBivi Screen PucksBix TablesBixbyBoardwalkBorderBrightonBrody DeskBrody Loungec:scape
Cubb TablesCurrencyE-Table 2ElbrookElective ElementsEnsemble LoungeEverwallFlex Active FramesFlex Single TableFrameOneGroupworkJenny Tablet Arms/TablesKart Upholstered SeatKart Upholstered Seat and BackKickLagunitas TablesLite ScaleMackinacmedia:scapemedia:scape kioskMigrationMigration SEMitra GuestMitra LoungeMitra ReclinerMitra Sleeper
Montara650 TablesOlogyPotrero415 Light TablesPotrero415 TablesRadiaRadia HBRegardScapeSeries TablesSeries 3 Height-Adjustable BenchSeries 3 Height-Adjustable DeskSeries 5 Height-Adjustable BenchSeries 5 Height-Adjustable DeskSeries 8 Height-Adjustable BenchSeries 9000ShortcutSlim Leg Height Adjustable DeskStorage ProductsSW_1 TablesSylviTenorUniversal Worksurface ProductsVerbVerlay TablesVictor2
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