This application features a system of interconnected spaces that support various work modes, enhancing both performance and satisfaction. The standout element is the Flex Kiosk, strategically positioned in- between a team area and a hybrid open space. It provides users with an ideal spot to quickly jump into a call or minimize distractions around a team area. The Flex Kiosk is perfect for short calls or focused work while remaining in an open environment. Complementing this, the Potrero high table and Karman chairs in luxe finishes add a touch of sophistication to the entire setup. The overall aesthetic of the space is refined and contemporary, featuring shades of brown and natural tones.

148 m2

Products Steelcase Flex Kiosk, Steelcase Karman®, Steelcase Flex Height-Adjustable Desk, Steelcase Flex Acoustic Boundary, Steelcase Flex Whiteboard Solutions, Steelcase Flex Screens, Cavatina, Potrero415, Steelcase Series 1
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Customizable No