An area dedicated to corporate learning supports multiple types of groups and individuals who are seeking development in both traditional and contemporary ways. This area has a solution for any learning activity by offering four interchangeable types of furniture settings. Steelcase Flex Active Frames is easily customizable and available in a large pallet of colors, comes with a D-shaped high table and has a large monitor and teleconference integrated. This feature facilitates a more enthusiastic attitude toward learning and invites participants to connect digitally with peers. Paired with carbon fiber LessThanFive Stools, this allows users to be highly engaged in the conversation.

The lounge area defined by a Grid Sofa with a table attached creates an amphitheater style of seating facing a Steelcase Flex Actives Frames with a monitor. Sharing content in a relaxed atmosphere that offers all the necessary tools is sustained by Lagunitas Free Stand Tables and Flex Mobile Power.

A flexible space that can be easily reconfigurable in just minutes depending on the type of activity that will take place and the number of users offers the versatile Steelcase Flex Single Tables with height adjustable top, on castors in different pairings. A standing posture setting was designed for group work, with people being able to perch by using the colorful Steelcase Flex Perch Stool.

In contrast, a sitting lecture setting on the other side of the room was created, featuring an elegant Bolia Seed chair. Steelcase Flex Media Cart is the best solution for a hybrid learning environment, connecting people from all over the place and giving high flexibility to the users.

111.28 m2

Products Steelcase Flex Collection, Steelcase Flex Media Cart, Seed Chair, Steelcase Flex Active Frames, SILQ, Split Pouf, Cubb, Steelcase Flex Carts, Steelcase Flex Acoustic Boundary, Steelcase Flex Power Hanger & Power Stand, Steelcase Flex Whiteboard Solutions
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Customizable No