
Steelcase und Microsoft starten Partnerschaft zur Förderung der kreativen Arbeit

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Steelcase and Microsoft introduce “Creative Spaces” – technology-based workstation solutions that support the creative process.

The future needs creative thinking. We face global challenges that challenge us all to use all of our creative potential to solve problems, make new connections and develop ideas. Creativity is by no means found only with artists and musicians. Rather, it is a process in which we can all contribute and that we all need to support. Steelcase and Microsoft have partnered to help people promote this critical behavior at work. The two companies introduce so-called “Creative Spaces”: jointly developed technology-based workplace solutions that support creative thinking at work.

According to a joint research, creativity is a vital skill in the 21st century, fueled by the need of companies for innovation and growth, but also the desire of employees for meaningful work. Despite the desire to take advantage of creativity, many companies are not thinking through their investment in space and technology holistically. And so the framework for creativity in the workplace is not always optimal.

Discover the “Creative Spaces”

Learn more about Creative Spaces and the partnership between Steelcase and Microsoft.

Further information

Former Steelcase CEO Jim Keane explains how people are at the heart of this new partnership

The research carried out by the two companies shows the pressure people are experiencing towards the shift towards more creative work:



Seventy-two percent of employees think that their future success depends on their ability to be creative.

61 percent of executives believe that their company is not creative.

While there is a need for collaboration, only 25 percent of respondents feel they can actually be creative in the currently available team workplaces.

The study also confirms the connection between creativity and privacy. Having a place that allows undisturbed work, employees consider the second most important way to promote creativity – just after the need for more time to think.

“The challenges facing people today are more complex than ever. To solve them, we need new creative thinking and work processes, “said Sara Armbruster, Vice President of Strategy, Research and New Business Innovation at Steelcase. “We believe that everyone has the ability to think creatively, and that people are happier when they can work productively and creatively. Working with Microsoft, Steelcase will help companies merge space and technology to promote creative work. “

The shared exploration of creative work has made it clear that creativity is a process where everyone is challenged and demands different ways of working and technologies. Within a creative process, people need to be able to work alone, in teams of two and in different sized groups. This requires a variety of mobile and integrated into the workspace technologies. In addition, the work space should be inspiring.


“Every Microsoft Surface device is designed to enable the creator in us.”

Ryan GavinGeneral Manager, Microsoft Surface


“Every Microsoft Surface device is designed to activate the designer in us. Devices such as the Surface Studio and Surface Hub have been designed to provide optimal support for people in their natural way of working, networking and collaborating, “said Ryan Gavin, general manager, Microsoft Surface Marketing. “Together with Steelcase, we have the best prerequisites to connect space and technology together and to create an environment that encourages our most valuable asset – human beings – in their creativity. The future of work is creative. “


“The ‘Creative Spaces’ of Steelcase and Microsoft were developed with the goal of bridging space and space Close technology and make creative work more intuitive.”

Bob O'DonnellPresident, Founder and Chief Analyst at TECHnalysis Research


“Most employees are still working with outdated technologies and in yesterday’s quarters, making it difficult for them to adopt new, creative ways of working,” said Bob O’Donnell, president, founder and chief analyst at TECHnalysis Research. “Steelcase and Microsoft’s Creative Spaces are designed to bridge the gap between space and technology and make creative work more intuitive.”

Focus Studio

Um kreativ arbeiten zu können, müssen sich Mitarbeiter für konzentrierte und fokussierte Arbeit zurückziehen können. Gleichzeitig sollte die Möglichkeit gegeben sein, sich schnell mit einer zweiten Person auszutauschen. Das Focus Studio ist ein Raum, in dem Ideen entstehen, bevor sie mit anderen geteilt werden - perfekt für konzentrierte Arbeit mit dem Microsoft Surface Book oder dem Surface Pro 4.

Duo Studio

Die Arbeit zu zweit ist ebenfalls ein wesentlicher Bestandteil kreativer Arbeit. Dieser Raum unterstützt gleichermaßen die Arbeit zu zweit und allein am Microsoft Surface Studio. Der Loungebereich lädt andere zum kurzen kreativen Austausch am Surface Hub oder zum Entspannen ein.

Bildbeschreibung öffnen

Maker Commons

Ideenaustausch und Rapid Prototyping sind wesentliche Bestandteile kreativer Arbeit. Diese Umgebung wurde so designt, dass sie den schnellen Wechsel zwischen Austausch, Experimentieren und Konzentration unterstützt. Er eignet sich perfekt für eine Mischung verschiedener Surface Geräte wie Surface Hub und Surface Book.

Ideation Hub

Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Hightech Umgebung, die zur aktiven und demokratischen Teilhabe am Schaffensprozess einlädt. Ideen können mit Hilfe des Surface Hub detaillierter ausgearbeitet und mit Kollegen vor Ort oder remote geteilt werden.

Respite Room

Im Zuge der kreativen Arbeit durchläuft unser Gehirn verschiedene Phasen. Aktive Gruppenarbeit wechselt sich ab mit Einzelarbeit und individueller Denkarbeit. Dieser private Rückzugsraum ermöglicht entspannte Körperhaltung und etwas Ablenkung.

Please note that some of the products and applications shown here are not available in the EMEA region. We are currently working on EMEA applications for the “Creative Spaces”.

The partnership between Steelcase and Microsoft also includes the joint development of technology-based workplace solutions based on IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. The data they gather can be used by companies to analyze and improve their workplaces, as well as to help their employees find the best place to work in the office in different ways.

In addition, select Steelcase retailers in the US and Canada will distribute the Microsoft Surface Hub as part of the Microsoft Partner Network as of today. In the course of this year, additional dealers will follow in the DACH region and in other areas. During the current market launch in North and South America, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region, the “Creative Spaces” are continuously being developed and expanded.

“The world of work is constantly changing, presenting us with completely new challenges in the workplace. With this partnership, we bring space and technology together to best empower workers and organizations at work and address these challenges today and in the future, “said Armbruster.

Explore Creative Spaces and the Microsoft and Steelcase partnership.

* Joint study by Microsoft and Steelcase with 515 US and Canadian companies with more than 100 employees, released March 6, 2017.

Empfohlenes Thema:  Zusammenarbeit

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