
Our current work from home reality may not be permanent, but the impact of today’s crisis on the office will be. As we plan a return to the workplace, we need to make choices carefully and responsibly. Employee safety and wellbeing must be paramount.

You are invited to join our webinar, Cutting Through the Noise: The Post-COVID Workplace.

Our panel of experts offers strategies on how to retrofit, reconfigure and reinvent the workplace to help you bring people back to the office safely.

Please find the details below:

27 May 2020 (Wednesday)
12:00pm to 01:00pm Hong Kong/Singapore Time (GMT +8)


  • Maria Bourke, Director, Communications, Steelcase Asia Pacific


  • Samantha Giam, Director, Product Marketing, Steelcase Asia Pacific
  • Jason Taper, Regional Vice President, Global Client Collaboration, Steelcase Asia Pacific
  • Amber Matthews, Manager, Workspace Futures, Steelcase Asia Pacific