Guide to Personalised Learning Experiences

Guide to Personalised Learning Experiences

It’s challenging to create a single definition of personalised learning experiences when the very essence of the concept lies in

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Before designing a space or adopting agile, IT leaders identified five guiding principles central to achieving their desired transformation. These

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Far from a buzzword, creating an agile process, culture and workplace has been a significant and collective effort at Steelcase.

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Facilities Management and Real Estate In an agile environment, the facility manager’s role becomes even more integral to the business.

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Steelcase developed key insights and workplace strategy implications to help IT reach its desired outcomes. Four key insights embody what

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

The Steelcase Applied Research + Consulting team helped IT focus both strategically and tactically on managing the culture change required

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Transforming IT at Steelcase: An Agile Case Study

Steelcase identified agile coaches to advance the practice throughout the organization. Coaches developed an agile curriculum that layered the Agile

Fast Forward

Fast Forward

As open platforms and digital networks grow, organizations will be pressed to evolve more rapidly, with greater precision and with