BASF: Redesign For a New Way of Working

BASF: Redesign For a New Way of Working

BASF, the world’s leading chemical company, recently unveiled a redesigned office for its regional headquarters in Hong Kong, that not

Seisho Kaichi Junior and Senior High School, Japan

Seisho Kaichi Junior and Senior High School, Japan

Seisho Kaichi Junior and Senior High School, a brand new private school in Tottori Prefecture under the aegis of Keimei Gakuen, opened to first grade students in April 2014

Q + A with Ray Oldenburg

Q + A with Ray Oldenburg

The idea of a public, social place outside of home and work has been around for centuries, but it didn’t enter the lexicon as a “third place” until the phenomenon was thoroughly explored by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his 1989 book, “The Great Good Place.” It hasn’t left the stage since.

Real Work

Real Work

Cool cafés are popping up in corporate environments everywhere. But any office can mimic the cool factor of a coffee shop with Wi-Fi and an espresso machine. Creating a great corporate third place that gives people what they need to do real work requires a lot more.

Making Distance Disappear

Making Distance Disappear

In today’s economic landscape organizations can’t allow distance to be a barrier to effective teams. As distributed teams become pervasive, the challenges they face become more evident.

Movement in the Workplace

Movement in the Workplace

The truth is, sitting isn’t killing us. But as this paper will demonstrate, sitting in poor postures for long periods with little movement and few breaks for standing or walking can impact our health and reduce our productivity.

Beyond PCs: Armrest Support in a Changing Workplace

Beyond PCs: Armrest Support in a Changing Workplace

Whenever work changes in a fundamental way, it’s important to reexamine the ergonomic support that’s needed. New work trends—especially the introduction of tablets, smart phones and other touch-based technologies—present a new set of challenges for worker health and wellbeing.

Posture Support in a Changing Workplace

Posture Support in a Changing Workplace

As technologies and trends transform work processes, understanding the impact on postures is crucial for helping people work safely, comfortably and productively.

TELUS: Crafting a New Workplace

TELUS: Crafting a New Workplace

TELUS is a leading telecommunications provider in Canada. Like many organizations in its industry, TELUS has grown dramatically in recent years, both organically and through strategic acquisitions.

Beta Testing a New Sitting Experience: Gesture

Beta Testing a New Sitting Experience: Gesture

Gesture is based on Steelcase’s global research study and the insights it yielded about how people work in a rapidly changing business environment. Knowledge workers change postures frequently throughout the day.

Vodafone: Hallo Amsterdam

Vodafone: Hallo Amsterdam

Orchestrating the transition to a new organizational culture and work environment. Companies everywhere are scrambling to adapt to a more global, mobile, and collaborative business model.