Translating the transHuman Code

Translating the transHuman Code

David Fergusson, co-author of “The transHuman Code: How to Program Your Future,” spoke with 360 about the importance of a human-centered approach to technology.

New Work. New Rules. (Full Story)

New Work. New Rules. (Full Story)

Teams are under more pressure than ever, expected to untangle complex problems, deliver fantastic results and do it all faster than their competitors. Today’s teams are hyper-collaborators who navigate a fluid, fast-paced flow of interdependent ideas, redefining both teamwork and me work. Their work has changed dramatically, but their workspaces? Not so much. Steelcase researchers reveal how to create spaces that give today’s revolutionaries what they expect and need to excel at work.

Make Room for Modern Tribes (Full Story)

Make Room for Modern Tribes (Full Story)

What happens when a multi-disciplinary team of Steelcase designers, researchers, engineers and project managers go out to observe creative and hightech teams in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East? They learn all sorts of things from renegade hackers who refuse to put up with the status quo of their existing workplaces, then come back and create the Steelcase Flex Collection—a new solution designed to create dynamic neighborhoods for teams and individuals. DIY has never been this easy, or this effective.

A Buyer’s Market

A Buyer’s Market

Digital transformation is here. Whether becoming more data-driven in their decision making or investing in new digital tools, companies are embracing technology to improve efficiencies and forge new business paths.

Does Your Work Matter?

Does Your Work Matter?

Adam Grant, author and host of TED’s WorkLife podcast, shares what he’s learning about how to make work not suck.” Teaser alert: “If you want to build trust, you actually want to de-fun. Instead of doing something simple and lighthearted, you actually work with a group of people to solve hard problems that matter.”

Office Boost

Office Boost

Celliant, a revolutionary new textile, has been scientifically proven to increase blood circulation and oxygen flow, which in turn improves people’s energy, alertness and comfort. Plus, totally non-clinical trials performed at Designtex indicate that employees’ dogs seem to prefer it, too.

The Science of Collaboration – Full Story

The Science of Collaboration – Full Story

Neuroscience tells us our brains and bodies are linked, and our ability to learn and solve problems can be influenced by how we move. But a recent Steelcase global study confirms that, although people typically now spend most their time at work collaborating, they’re doing it in spaces that force them to be passive and sedentary versus actively engaged. Today’s fiercely competitive business environment demands a new, active type of collaboration plus dramatically different environments to support it.

Planning for Performance

Planning for Performance

Today so much of our work happens away from the primary workstation. The casual atmosphere draws us in, but often these spaces do not support our work.

A Day in the Life of an Agile Team

A Day in the Life of an Agile Team

Follow Kim and her team in their year-old space, purposefully designed to foster a more agile culture by helping them move faster, test and execute on new ideas, and get closer to their customers.

Your Coach Was Wrong: There Is an “I” in Team

Your Coach Was Wrong: There Is an “I” in Team

Teams are made up of a bunch of “I”s — individuals with unique personalities, skills and needs. On the field or in the office, a team performs at its best when the needs of the group are supported while also addressing the needs of each member. We need to think about the “me within the we.”

Surprise and Delight

Surprise and Delight

Durability, sustainability, ergonomics, choice and availability used to be differentiators. Now they’re expected norms. To create furnishings that deliver something more, Coalesse designers rely on character and craft to improve your experience in ways you didn’t even know you were looking for.