Work Better

Work Better

Research shows people need and expect a work experience that’s fundamentally better than what they left. Normal is not enough. Better is possible. Discover what people say they need and expect moving forward.

Designing a Better Work Experience

Designing a Better Work Experience

The pandemic has permanently reshaped the way we live, work and learn — and it will lead to a better work experience. Learn more about new design principles enabling organizations to create a better work experience.

Employee expectations have changed. Is your workplace ready?

Employee expectations have changed. Is your workplace ready?

Insights from the pandemic to create a better work experience. We surveyed 32,000 people across 10 countries to reveal the blueprint for creating a better work experience. Discover how the workplace must change.

Working From Home Around the World

Working From Home Around the World

This is a continuation of the Global Report: Changing Expectations and the Future of Work. In this section, learn more about the key benefits and challenges of working from home and what it’s taught us to improve the work experience moving forward.

The First Wave of Workplace Change

The First Wave of Workplace Change

This is a continuation of the Global Report: Changing Expectations and the Future of Work. In this section, research reveals the future of work is hybrid. Learn more about what to consider when adopting a more flexible approach to work.

Changing Employee Expectations

Changing Employee Expectations

This is a continuation of the Global Report: Changing Expectations and the Future of Work. In this section, explore five things employees need now.

Four Macro Shifts Organisations Need to Address

Four Macro Shifts Organisations Need to Address

This is a continuation of the Global Report: Changing Expectations and the Future of Work. In this section, learn more about the four macros shifts leaders will need to embrace to create safe and compelling places where people can be engaged and productive.

Building a Healthy Planet through Decarbonization

Building a Healthy Planet through Decarbonization

Steelcase made news recently by announcing it has become carbon neutral and, even more significant, it set science-based targets that intends to achieve by 2030.