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Forest Hills Northern HS: Active Learning


ACTIVE LEARNING TRANSFORMATIONS Forest Hills Northern High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan applied for and was awarded one of the 2015 Active Learning Center grants. See how the school has used its new classroom. ACTIVE LEARNING TRANSFORMATIONS Forest Hills Northern High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan applied for and was awarded one of the 2015 Active Learning Center grants. See how the school has used its new classroom. Learn more about the Active Learning Center Grant

Watch: Grant Helps Saluda Trail Middle School


With more than 850 students, 30 percent of whom are below grade-level, Saluda Trail Middle School had a culture of project –based learning. The problem was the classrooms didn’t support the teaching methods. Furniture was outdated, students were fixed in their seats and teachers lacked the digital and analogue tools to share information. Then the school applied for and received a Steelcase Active Learning Center Grant. The grant program brought flexible learning tools to the school, including mobile furniture, interactive white boards and intentionally designed teacher stations. Today, the Rock Hill, South Carolina based school boasts some of the highest student engagement levels and increasing test scores. The Active Learning classroom brought new life to the school, engaging students in the classroom experience and making them excited about learning and their potential. Watch the video below to hear from 7th grade teacher Julie Marshall on how a new Active Learning classroom transformed her teaching and the students’ learning experience. The application period for Cycle 4 of the ALC Grant begins on Friday, December 1, 2017 and will remain open until Friday, February 2, 2018.

Unused Library Space Becomes Campus Hot Spot


A Kansas university reimagined an existing library space to create an active, energizing campus center. Watch the video to see the transformation take place. The University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas wanted to breathe life back into its underutilized library. Campus leaders had a big goal -- take an existing space and make it a campus hotspot. Now, instead of being a place where students simply study or check out books, the library is a vibrant in-between space where people are able to connect like never before. “I have heard from faculty and staff that they have been able to do activities here that they never had the space for anywhere else,” says Danielle Dion, library director. With the help of the Steelcase Active Learning Center grant, the University of Saint Mary reimagined a library space to encourage learning and collaboration while improving connections between students, faculty, and the community. The flexible library space is now able to host a wide range of learning opportunities including formal classroom discussion, private study, collaborative small group work, and community events such as chess and even yoga. “The whole concept of the Active Learning Center and how we use it at Saint Mary is that it’s adaptable. So, we can change from one set of tables to a different setup in an instant,” said Blake Vajgrt, student activities coordinator. To see how the university transforms its new space day-to-day and proves learning happens in many forms, watch the story above. If you are interested in learning more about the ALC grant or applying for this year’s cycle, applications are being accepted from December 1, 2017, through February 2, 2018.

New Library at University of Saint Mary


With the help of the Steelcase Active Learning Center Grant, the University of Saint Mary reimagined a library space to encourage learning and collaboration while improving connections between students, faculty, and the community. The library space is now able to host a wide range of learning opportunities including formal classroom discussion, private study, collaborative small group work, and community events such as chess and even yoga. The application period for Cycle 4 of the ALC Grant begins on Friday, December 1, 2017, and will remain open until Friday, February 2, 2018.

Boyce Middle School New Mobile Classroom


Boyce Middle School near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was a recipient of the 2016 Active Learning Center Grant. See how this school propelled its STEAM program and motivated students through the use of mobile, adaptable furniture and space design. The application period for Cycle 4 of the ALC Grant begins on Friday, December 1, 2017, and will remain open until Friday, February 2, 2018.

Change Community and Your Company (S1:E8)


Thinking about our communities outside of our workplace can actually strengthen our communities inside the workplace. Kenny Clewett is a leader with Ashoka, a global organization with a mission to mobilize everyone to be a changemaker. Kenny shares how organizations can find changemakers. What makes them so special and valuable? And why being a changemaker can help people and organizations have a better experience at work. (<a href="">Read transcript</a>) (Find in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Spotify</a> or wherever you listen)

Return to Office Is Like Returning From Deployment (S1:E7)


Lt. Col. Adria Horn shares a unique perspective on talent and turnover, and draws interesting parallels between returning to the office and returning from deployment. She serves in the U.S. Army Reserve and is executive vice president of workforce for Tilson Technology Management. She contributed to a McKinsey article called “A Military Veteran Knows Why Your Employees Are Leaving.” (Read <a href="">transcript</a>)(Find in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Spotify</a> or wherever you listen)