On our path to net zero, we lead our industry in BIFMA LEVEL® certifications and are transparent about what is in our products, publicly sharing our sources on many listings and libraries.

Our Approach
We lead our industry in BIFMA LEVEL® certifications and are transparent about what is in our products. We strive to make the best possible design decisions that are safe and healthy for people and that have the least amount of impact on our planet. We believe in being transparent about these choices, so you can make better decisions too.
Our Commitment to Choosing + Using Materials Responsibly

Sustainable Product Design
Steelcase designers, engineers, scientists, and operations drive toward continuous improvements in a sustainable product design process and are committed to sharing new ideas and approaches that help everyone collectively make a difference.

Commitment to Transparency
We demonstrate our transparency through our numerous certifications and listings, including:
—More BIFMA LEVEL® certifications than anyone in the industry.
—We proudly publish all product sustainability data on the Origin and Ecomedes libraries.

Conserve Resources
We conduct analyses for process water and consider water recycling options for plants located in water-stressed areas, and we seek to improve water use efficiency to reduce global water consumption in our facilities.

Go Deeper on the Health + Safety of Our Products
We choose and use materials that are safe for people and our planet, ensuring the health and safety of our products through warranties and certifications.
Find Steelcase Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), third party certifications such as Declare™ and BIFMA LEVEL ®, and all other sustainability details in Origin and Ecomedes.

Our Path to Net Zero
To address the realities of climate change, we are committing to a net-zero future. Our aspiration is to transform the way we do business through what we make, how we make it and the ways we deliver it. We are on a path to cut carbon emissions over 90% by 2050 across our entire value chain.

Sustainable Product Design Framework
Reimagining product design for the climate era takes new ways of thinking. We’re committed to sharing what we’re learning through our three-prong approach to more sustainable design.