
Be Agile. Hack Your Space.

Empower Teams

So, the call went out for volunteers to be part of this new experiment—people willing to move into very basic, open project spaces with a few essential elements. These bold adventurers would have complete ownership to create and evolve their space into what works for them. They were empowered to hack their space to figure out what furniture, tools and technologies helped them get their work done. Several teams, some well established and others assembling for the first time to work together, quickly answered the call.

The Focused Team
Tom Hunnewell’s team is dedicated to software development for a single product. They practice Agile-Focused work using Scrum methods that include stand-up meetings, visual persistence and iterative customer reviews.

The Multi-Project Team
Alan DeVries leads a multi-tasking team which has a foot in both Agile-Focused and Agile-Inspired work. They are adopting some key Agile practices as they build and support a wide range of custom applications and integrate major software platforms company-wide.

The Discipline Team
Tim Merkle heads the Agile-Inspired advanced analytics and data science discipline teams which design, develop and deploy analytical solutions. They were completely mobile until this prototype brought them together to improve speed, innovation and customer focus.

These three teams use different processes—some are Agile-Focused and others are Agile-Inspired. The IT group wanted to create a new environment that supported all of these teams and build connections between them to avoid knowledge silos.

“My (Focused) team is excited to be part of validating if something works or not—working directly with interior designers,” explains Hunnewell. “Being part of the prototyping process creates a sense of ownership that’s been hugely helpful in how my teams work together.”

NEXT CHAPTERLearning Together
PREVIOUS CHAPTER Change Everything at Once

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